18 May 2012

Gagal Merancang, Merancang untuk Gagal


~ Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang ~


Ketika topik ini dibincangkan dalam halaqah gembira kami, perbincangan mengenai
“ memupuk dan membina keyakinan diri dalam gerakan Islam”. Saya cukup tertarik untuk mengupas persoalan ini dengan lebih lanjut. Menjadi kewajipan kepada kita setiap manusia untuk menunaikan hak lafaz dua kalimah syahadah dengan amal perbuatan kita. Jadi, sebenarnya setiap dari kita telah dimudahkan oleh Allah kepadanya sesuatu pekerjaan, dan setiap dari kita juga mestilah mencari atau mengenalpasti dirinya, apakah yang sesuai dengan fitrahnya sendiri. Rasulullah SAW bersabda “ Bagi setiap orang ada perkara yang mudah baginya apabila membuat sesuatu yang sesuai baginya”. 

Cuma persoalannya sekarang, kita kenal ke diri kita ni sebenarnya?. Ahli psikologi selalu menyebut-nyebut tentang setiap orang harus mencari bakat-bakat yang sememangnya ada di dalam setiap dirinya. Asasnya, kita kena kenal diri kita. Jika kita selalu membuat SWOT analisis dalam organisasi atau persatuan, kenapa tidak kita membuat SWOT analisis diri kita sendiri. 

What is my:

Threat/cabaran atau halangan

16 May 2012


Assalamualaikum my dear friends, there's something i want to share with all of you..Happy Teachers Day=)

Recently, there are a lot of moral problems happened to our youths in Malaysia. Baby dumping, pre-marital sex, prostitution, and others are in the stage that we should worry of. Thus, many people come to blame one another, why this problem occurs to our teenagers. Some blame parents, some blame schools, some blame society and there are also said that it is from the influenced of mass media which influence and boost out teenager’s curiosity. Whatever the blame goes to, I personally believed that family institutional plays an important role in the shaping children moral behavior and thinking. As in Islam said that children are born with fitrah and thus, their parents will shape and determine who and what they want their children want to be. Most of the cases of youth’s moral problem today are due to the failure of the family institutions like family broken, divorce family, financial problem and neglecting parent toward their children. Here, I would like to explore, what is the real responsibility of parents in educating their children. Is it the duty of parents is just to fulfill the children’s basic needs like shelter, food, clothes? What about their psychological need? There are parents who fulfill all children’s basic needs but neglected their psychological needs like need to be loving, caring, and listening and so on. When parents did not fulfill their psychological needs, hence they will searching for it outside home like what happens nowadays.
Generally, in Islam, there are several responsibilities of parents toward their children. There are responsibilities to instill and educate their children in terms of faith, moral character, physical, intellectual, psychological, social and sexual. Thus, I will explain about these factors.